Integrated Management Policy

The HISPASAT Group ratifies its firm commitment to Excellence and continuous improvement in the provision of its services aimed at meeting the connection needs of people in any region through advanced satellite communications services capable of providing a response, with quality, efficiency, reliability and integrating prevention into their daily work activity. to the needs and expectations of its stakeholders.

The HISPASAT Group, aware of the commitments it makes to its customers, employees and other stakeholders, considers Quality, Health and Safety at Work, Culture of Well-being, Environment, Work-Life Balance, Information Security and Social Responsibility to be priority factors for the development of its activity. Likewise, the Group considers information as an asset of fundamental importance for daily operations, and establishes the necessary means to protect and ensure the integrity, availability, confidentiality, authenticity and traceability of the information captured, stored, processed, processed and safeguarded in its information systems, and safeguard the resources used for the provision of its services. To this end, the organisation has an Integrated Management System, which guarantees the achievement of the highest standards in these areas.

The HISPASAT Group's Integrated Management System, designed to respond to the aforementioned commitments, is based on the following principles that must serve the management as a frame of reference for setting objectives and all its employees as a frame of reference in the development of their professional activity:

  • Compliance with applicable legal and regulatory standards, both nationally and internationally, as well as a commitment to adapt to future standards, application requirements for the HISPASAT Group.
  • Meeting the needs, expectations and requirements of customers, employees and other stakeholders.
  • Concern for people, the main driving force of our organisation, and we are committed to promoting equal treatment and opportunities for all the professionals of the HISPASAT Group, as a basic and cross-cutting principle in the management of people. Information Security and Health and Safety, for the proper performance of their work. Integration of occupational health and safety and work-life balance in all our activities and decisions, as fundamental elements for the development of our activities.
  • Commitment to a high level of quality in the provision of our services, maintaining a permanent concern to provide quality, effective and reliable responses to the needs of our clients.
  • Orientation of our preventive activities to improve safety, eliminate hazards and reduce risks, in order to prevent damage and deterioration to the health of our employees.
  • Commitment to the protection of information assets and their supports, and the processing of such information for purposes other than those established is prohibited.
  • Seeking territorial balance and the integration of society by promoting it through the services developed.
  • Acting with rigour and transparency, following the established procedures at all times and always acting ethically and responsibly. By virtue of which it provides all the information that interested parties may require in simple language and in accessible formats.
  • Acting responsibly, recognizing and correcting mistakes, and having an active attitude to face the challenges of the environment.
  • Development of flexible and transparent relationships with our employees, cooperating with them in the coordination of business activities, for effective knowledge of risks, development of effective protection and prevention measures.
  • Development of activities hand in hand with technological leaders in the sector, in order to achieve the highest levels of quality and customer satisfaction.

In addition to the above, the Management of the HISPASAT Group, with regard to the field of Information Security, undertakes that:

  • The information systems used by the HISPASAT Group use secure engineering as part of their application acquisition and/or modification process.
  • All enclaves use Information Systems Security Engineering (ISSE) to implement, improve defense, and remediate any incidents and vulnerabilities detected within the boundaries of the enclave.
  • The necessary measures and procedures are implemented to control access to information, ensure access by authorized users and prevent access to network services and operating systems to those who do not owe them, in accordance with the principle of " Access to need to know information".
  • Communications systems and the internal network are protected by perimeter security elements such as firewalls and network intrusion detection systems (IDS), deployed at: the enclave border (WAN), the internal enclave, and key network points, as needed.
  • Ensure that the continuity of the Mission and business functions are always operational within the deadlines established by the company.
  • Information security risk assessments are carried out on the HISPASAT Group's systems, providing mechanisms to reduce threats that jeopardise compliance with operational requirements.
  • The necessary physical security measures are established and maintained to prevent unauthorized access, theft, damage or circumstances that endanger people or assets or cause the interruption of activities.

In the field of the Environment specifically, through this policy the HISPASAT Group formalises:

  • Its commitment to environmental protection, including pollution prevention, and other specific commitments relevant to the organisation's context.

In the field of managing a Healthy Organisation (SIGOS Model), the HISPASAT Group seeks to achieve for its organisation and its stakeholders a culture of well-being that provides safe, healthy and committed work environments that also involve:

  • Improving the health and safety of the members of the organization, their personal, family and community environment.
  • The promotion of healthy lifestyles.
  • A commitment to the community.
  • Taking into account its specific risk factors and consequences, their direct and indirect context and the legal and other requirements that the organisation subscribes to in the field of health and well-being.

In the field of Social Responsibility, it is committed to complying with the principles established by the ISO 26000 standard, in addition to the above:

  • Accountability, according to which the HISPASAT Group has the duty to apply transparency due to its impact on society, the economy and the environment and the actions taken.
  • Respect for the interests of stakeholders and promotion of ethical behaviour, based on the values of honesty, fairness and integrity.
  • With respect to rights, promoting the provisions of the Universal Charter of Human Rights.

The above guidelines and commitments are specified and developed through the Integrated Management System that the Management undertakes to establish in accordance with certain standards oriented towards the Models of excellence, all based on people management, process management and continuous improvement of processes and the Integrated Management System; guaranteeing their effectiveness and efficiency in the development of professional activities.

CEO of the Hispasat Group

Ed. 06/28/2024