ONTIME - Remote operation of information transmission in emergency missions.

The ONTIME project arises from the need to address the transformation process of surveillance services with unmanned aircraft, with all that this entails.

By moving the onboard operator to the ground control station, new technological needs arise that, in the medium and long term, will end up automating processes, significantly increasing the efficiency of surveillance, reconnaissance and intelligence services.

This project also aims to structure the "Big Data" from the medical maneuvers carried out by Inaer health professionals in the provision of emergency medical services with helicopters, with the aim of developing instruction scenarios, which will serve to capitalize on the experience. of our health professionals and instruct and enable the newest in this discipline to serve.

ONTIME is a project financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Challenges - Collaboration 2014 subprogram, with code RTC-2014-1863-8.

The project is led by INAER and has the participation as partners of the companies Hispasat, Álava Ingenieros, Brainstorm and the Universities of Córdoba, Alicante and Politécnica de Valencia.