July 2, 2021
HISPASAT, the Spanish telecommunications satellite operator of the Red Electrica Group, has renewed its support for inclusive basketball for the sixth consecutive year through its sponsorship of ESTUAMEB, the wheelchair basketball school promoted by the Fundación Estudiantes and the Asociación Madrileña de Espina Bífida (AMEB - Spina Bifida Association of Madrid). This agreement includes organising the summer wheelchair basketball camp which starts tomorrow in Madrid.
The three organisations are once again solidifying this initiative, which has focused on sporting performance, innovation, and the search for new challenges for the school’s members since the very foundation of the school. The main goals of ESTUAMEB are to reinforce healthy habits, practise sport, and create a strong social bond among the people on the team.
HISPASAT fully shares the values of the ESTUAMEB School as well as its training project to help integrate people with disabilities. As such, the company is once again encouraging its players to reach their sporting goals and to fully develop their skills. This initiative forms part of HISPASAT's Sustainability Policy and its commitment to personal and community development, in particular by promoting sport, healthy habits, and social inclusion for people with disabilities.
Top tier trainers in the Summer Camp
Each new summer camp season has boasted top notch trainers and players. This year two prestigious trainers have signed up for the camp: Adrián Yáñez, 2020/21 League Champion, and, for the second year in a row, Javier López, a former Spanish international and the current assistant trainer of the Spanish National Wheelchair Basketball Team that will compete in the Tokyo Olympics. This high level of commitment is what spurs the Camp’s participants to come back year after year and attend the two different sessions each year.
About AMEB
The Asociación Madrileña de Espina Bífida (AMEB) is a non-profit association, declared a Public Interest by the Ministry of the Interior in 2007. The Association was founded in 1976 by a group of parents who joined forces to seek solutions to the challenges involved in educating and providing rehabilitation and care for their sons and daughters.
Currently, the AMEB aims to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families.
In 2003 AMEB created its Wheelchair Basketball School, which continued to grow and improve before becoming the ESTUAMEB, whose main goal is to promote practising physical and sport activities for people with and without disabilities. The school works to promote values such as respect, cooperation, team work, competition, a spirit of sacrifice, fair play, and participation.The values help turn the team into one big family.
Press contact:
AMEB Communications Department – tel. +34 915630448 - comunicacion@ameb.es
About Fundación Estudiantes
Fundación Estudiantes was founded in 2000, more than 20 years ago, to expand and reinforce the values of Club Estudiantes and to share them with disadvantaged people through projects and initiatives.
The Foundation represents the spirit of the Movistar Estudiantes club. Its main objective is to provide education on diversity, equality, and solidarity. That’s why the Foundation dedicates most of its activity to developing projects and actions with and for people with disabilities and those at risk of social exclusion. The activities promote inclusion and make everyone feel like they are part of Club Estudiantes and that they have a piece of Club Estudiantes in them.
Press contact:
Eire García - tel. +34 618 71 64 38 - eiregarcia@clubestudiantes.com
HISPASAT is the leading satellite operator in Spain and a driver for innovation in the aerospace sector. The company is the main communication link between Europe and America as a broadband and connectivity service provider in America, Europe and North Africa through its companies in Spain and Latin America, where its Brazilian subsidiary, HISPAMAR, is located. HISPASAT is the leader in broadcasting and distributing multimedia content in Spanish and Portuguese, including broadcasts from major digital Direct to Home (DTH) and High Definition Television (HDTV) platforms. These activities make it one of the top companies in the world by revenue in its sector and it forms part of the Red Electrica Group.
Press contact:
Iñaki Latasa – tel. +34 91 710 25 40 – ilatasa@hispasat.es / comunicacion@hispasat.es