Dear shareholders,
As you know, I was appointed a board member and President towards the end of December. I greatly admire the work carried out last year by the company’s employees and the previous Board of Directors.
There is no doubt that 2023 was a good year for Hispasat.
We put a satellite, the Amazonas Nexus, in operation along with the corresponding ground services, showcasing Hispasat’s capacity for innovation by incorporating the latest technologies in an original manner.
We implemented Conectate35 to address to a project posed by the Spanish state: to bring the internet to every corner of Spain.
We also made progress in the roll out of more innovative services tailored to our customers’ needs.
We are in a sector that is experiencing rapid transformation, the result of aggressive competition. We are aware of these difficulties and we know that we can face them confidently thanks to our technical and organizational capacity along with our strong customer relationships.
That is why we believe that we have the opportunity to successfully meet the goals that we have posed for ourselves:
In the European sphere, a new space policy is being defined, which includes the need for strategic autonomy on top of the technical challenges. Hispasat must play a central role to help define the new programs, so that they stay aligned with this strategy without overlooking their economic viability on the market.
Spain must strive to remain a cutting-edge country in space technology, providing responses to these new challenges. At Hispasat we are aware of our position in the market and our status as a strategic company, which motivates us to lead this process of constant innovation and to decisively contribute to the development of our industry.
Modern countries view connectivity as a right for all citizens, and this poses numerous issues that are still unresolved. In Spain we are well on our way to achieving universal connectivity.
In Ibero-America, Hispasat has worked for twenty years in the region and this enables us to make the most of our accumulated experience to take on an important position in providing universal connectivity, supported by our proven reliability and quality.
We work all across the world and we are aware that the challenge of the new market is to provide better services that are more suited to the customers’ specific needs. Our past successes make us feel confident that we can overcome these challenges, as we have shown ourselves capable of uncommon flexibility and adaptability. Above all, the great advances provided by Amazonas Nexus and its numerous custom-made features ensure that we are an option with guaranteed success.
This would not have been possible without the continual and essential support of our shareholders and the authorities of the countries where we do business, who have put their trust in a successful project and in our commitment to promote social and economic development through telecommunications.
This year we are turning 35 and we are working on designing our company for the next 35 years. We ae striving to create an ambitious, innovative, responsible and sustainable company that is full of opportunities.
We have to imagine, design and build, just like others did before us.
It is impossible to see the future, but I am convinced that the best way to predict it is to create it. All of us together are lighting the way for Hispasat’s future with bright lights, as this great team has always done.
Let’s keep moving forward.

The complicated context in the sector in which we have been operating recently made 2023 a highly demanding year to consolidate the key initiatives in our Strategic Plan, our roadmap. Today I am addressing you all to confirm that we have more than surpassed the objectives that we set for ourselves: The year 2023 will always remain in our memory, because we did what we promised and established the foundations so that Hispasat can tackle a new period in a great position.
We started 2023 with the launch of the Amazonas Nexus, a major achievement after a great effort during a time of enormous complexity marked by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. We not only launched it, but we also put it in service in record time. Thanks to the Amazonas Nexus, we can now offer more advanced services that are a perfect example of the flexibility and adaptation to our customers’ needs.
Winning the contract for and implementing the UNICO Demanda Rural program, a pioneering international initiative that strives to bridge the digital divide in Spain, represented the second great achievement. An amazing effort by the entire team at Hispasat was required to manage this project. This is one of the programs that give meaning to our company, as beyond profit, companies only serve a purpose if they help society and are engaged in tackling its problems.
In the European sphere, in 2023 we managed to take on a central role in the IRIS2 program, the major European initiative to endow its Member States with secure communications in the framework of strategic autonomy in space. Hispasat is a member of the SpaceRise consortium that won the process to make a bid.
But we also engaged in the roll out of large and complex projects that involved extending networks in Ibero-America and launched our new OTT service from our video infrastructures in Peru.
None of this would have been possible without the dedication and work of all Hispasat’s employees to be able to offer the best services to our customers, addressing to their needs and always seeking to develop the most innovative solutions.
This hard work has borne excellent results, with 249.3 million Euro in revenue -an 8.5% increase compared to the revenue in 2022-, 126.2 million Euro in EBITDA and an operating income of 34.1 million Euro.
The transformation that we are immersed in is allowing us to remain at the forefront to offer more complete solutions to our customers. We are facing a time of disruption when the sector is moving incredibly fast. We have to persevere in our commitment and continue to work hard to achieve a competitive, approachable and innovative Hispasat. The future of the next decade is being written now and Hispasat will certainly be where it belongs.