Hispasat incorporates IOTLatam's sensors and analytics into its Tower Insight solution

This solution allows continuous monitoring of the status of the cellular towers thanks to the information captured through sensors and uploaded to a web platform that can be integrated with other customer management tools

Tower Insight is available to telco customers in Latin America, Europe and Africa.

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Thales Alenia Space and Hispasat start the development of the world’s first quantum key distribution system capacity from geostationary orbit

• The QKD-GEO mission is the most advanced civil project in the world in this area. It will produce unhackable ground-orbit keys that not even the most advanced quantum computers will be able to break.

• Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a disruptive technology that goes beyond current optical communication models to offer a completely new paradigm in the field of information and communication security, based on the quantum properties of photons, a first step towards a future quantum internet.

• With funding from EU recovery funds through PERTE Aeroespacial, the project is an initiative of Spanish Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures, whose contracting is managed by the Spain’s Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), that will allow Spain to position itself in the European Commission’s European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI) initiative.

• Thales Alenia Space in Spain is leading a large industrial consortium of Spanish and other European companies, with Hispasat in charge of the design of the geostationary mission and the definition of the business plan.

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