A technology to achieve universal connectivity
04The services that HISPASAT offers allow telecommunications and audiovisual operators, as well as those institutions and companies that are looking for strong provision of communications, security and reliability, to have the only technology that is able to achieve universal connectivity.
This is why satellites play an essential role in the supply of many services as a complement to the terrestrial networks that cannot reach all geographical locations. Accordingly, satellites are a key factor in the fight against the digital divide.

HISPASAT offers its customers satellite capacity, for occasional and permanent use, on both sides of the Atlantic:
Broadcasting audiovisual content in Europe and America, where HISPASAT satellites have excellent coverage and allow signals to be broadcast in the most advanced formats.
From the deployment of internal communication networks to fleet management services, HISPASAT offers a multitude of communication solutions for different companies and public administrations. It allows the information society to be extended to the most inaccessible areas and provides the necessary response in emergency situations.
HISPASAT offers telecommunications operators coverage in Europe, America, North Africa and the Middle East so that they can roll out their services in a cost-effective manner.
Definition and design of cutting-edge solutions according to specific customer requirements.
72 occasional use customers
108 permanent customers
· 24 audiovisual
· 52 corporate
· 32 telecommunications operators
HISPASAT’s customers include large corporations, important TV platforms and some of the main international telecommunications operators, including Telefónica, RTVE, Media Networks, Oi, Claro TV, NOS, BT and MEO.
Commitment to quality
HISPASAT has a Corporate Integrated Management Policy and an Integrated Management System that support its firm commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in the provision of its services.
The Integrated Management System
Compliance with the applicable legal and regulatory standards and other requirements that HISPASAT subscribes to
Focus on models of excellence based on people management, process management and continuous improvement
Seeking efficacy and efficiency in professional activities
Satisfying the needs, expectations and requirements of customers and other interested parties
Health and safety at work
Security of information
End Users
ISO 9001
OHSAS 18001
With regard to customers, HISPASAT ensures the confidentiality, authenticity and traceability of the information and resources used in the provision of services, with a clear commitment to respond to the needs that may arise with quality, efficacy and reliability.
To achieve this, it is essential to understand the degree of customer satisfaction with the company. Therefore, HISPASAT makes specific channels of communication available to its customers, adapted to every necessity, and analyses their opinions from time to time:
Call center
Available 24/7 in three languages (Spanish, Portuguese and English), it has a high capacity for receiving calls in the majority of the countries where HISPASAT operates. It allows for tickets to be opened on behalf of customers, which facilitates monitoring from the beginning of the incident until its resolution. It also generates periodic internal reports that allow it to be evaluated.
Support Centre
Web portal on which HISPASAT customers can themselves open tickets to report possible service incidents and request any kind of information. They can then monitor this during its life cycle.
(Customer Relationship Management)
Internal tool that enables the management and control of business opportunities and the evolution of open, won and closed offers, giving greater coherence to the sales team’s activities and providing transparency and visibility internally.
Biennial customer satisfaction survey
Every two years, HISPASAT carries out a customer satisfaction survey. In 2019, the results were 82.1%, which is 1.1% below those obtained in 2017. This was influenced by lower participation levels and the decrease in assessments by customers whose annual turnover is €200,000. There was also a reduction in the assessments of some of the customer service tools, the modification of which is planned for next year.
Number of customer complaints received in 2019 and their solution
2019 Results
Incidents recorded (operational incident, problem, terminal incident, platform incident, service provision, alignment, service incident, planned work and change)
2019 Results
Complaints and claims received
2019 Results
Suggestions received
2019 Results
Queries answered on operational matters, requests for information and non-operational incidences